Sanjay Marwah

Sanjay Marwah


Director (Judicial), Global Listening Centre.

Asst. Prof. : California State University

Dr. Sanjay Marwah is currently Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at California State University, East Bay. He has 25 plus years of experience in academia, research, and policy as an educator, researcher, consultant, and analyst in the areas of environment, transportation, sociology, policy sciences and planning, urban studies, criminology, legal studies, and cultural and political studies. His work always strives to bridge theory and practice and to break down communication barriers towards the building of democratic capacities, particularly in bureaucratic organizations. Listening through cognition is often stated by Marwah as crucial for effectuating positive changes. Listening is under-appreciated in the public sector where authority, command, and power politics dominate. The future is bright towards humanizing public sector agencies through use of listening practices and principles. Marwah has published journal articles in transportation, democracy and development, and democratizing police, books on crime theory and crime prevention, reviews, and encyclopedia entries on crime, policing, punishment theory, and cultural political economy. His work reflects the need to ground listening using interdisciplinary and inquiry-based approaches.