Michael W Purdy
Past Vice Chair, Global Listening Centre.
Prof. : Governors State University, USA.
Michael W. Purdy is Emeritus Professor of Communication Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences of Governors State University (GSU, of the state of Illinois), University Park, IL, USA. He has taught at Northern Illinois U., University of Rhode Island, and GSU. His primary focus in teaching and research is listening and dialogical communication. This interest in dialogical communication has integrated his writing across various areas from listening, to media/technology and intercultural communication. He is co–author/editor of Listening in Everyday Life with Deborah Borisoff (NYU), and has authored articles for the International Journal of listening, and Integrative Explorations Journal (IEJ), among others (and he was editor of IEJ. He has more than 20 papers on listening and related subjects on academia.edu.
Professor Emeritus, 2009-present, Freelance Academic—writing, publishing, researching, editing, photographing.
Governors State University, Program Coordinator, Communication Program (1994–2007), and teaching graduate & UG classes.
Governors State University, Chair, Division of Communication (1985–1994)
Governors State University, (tenured) Professor (1980–2007)
Duties: teaching, research, service
Chair: Dr. James Howley, Division of Liberal Arts, (708) 534–4010, j–howley@govst.edu
University of Rhode Island, (tenured) Assistant Professor
Duties: teaching, Coordinator of Basic Course, Director of Teaching Assistants, and Coordinator University Honors Colloquium, Topic: “An Inquiry into the Human Spirit”
Ohio University, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant
Northern IllinoisUniversity, Instructor
Duties: teaching basic course, Director of Individual Events
Teaching Areas
Primary: Human Communication,Interpersonal Communication/Listening, Theory/Philosophy, Intercultural/International Communication, Intro. to Communication(UG & GRAD),Public Speaking, Web Design and Development, Communication Technology & Culture.
Secondary: Persuasion/Argumentation, Conflict Management, Organizational Communication/Development & Change, and Group/Team Communication.
Lectures, Training and Workshops Presented
Lectures and training/workshops on listening, public speaking, Hospice communication, team concept, conflict management, telephone communication, leadership, communication for seniors, management communication, communication competence, family communication, teaching, etc.
Training (listed above) provided for Lucent (IBEW Union), FORD, IBM, State of IL, local schools, as well as. community, religious, government, and business organizations.
State University of New York, Albany; BS in Mathematics; Minor in Physical Sciences; Courses in Speech Communication.
KansasState, Emporia; MS in Rhetoric and Public Address; Thesis: “Ronald Reagan’s Speaking to Achieve Image in the 1966 California Gubernatorial Campaign.”
OhioUniversity, Athens; Ph.D. (1972) in Interpersonal Communication; Minor in Empirical Research Methods; Dissertation: “Communication and Institution in the Phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.”
Additional hours/workshops in: Media Communication/Photography (32 graduate hrs + thesis), Electronic Imaging, Economics, Arnold Mindell’s Process Psychology World Work,Cultural Studies, Spanish (on–going), Contemporary Philosophy (postdoctoral study at Ohio University).
International Listening Association (ILA):Research Hall of Fame Award, 1994, teacher of the year award, 2007.
ILA President’s Award: 1994, 1995, 1997
GSU Administrative Merit Award: 1987, 1990,1994
GSU Professional Advancement Award for research and teaching excellence, 1998 & 2002
GSU Faculty Excellence award: 2005.
Past Service:Faculty Senate president, University Personnel Committee, University Curriculum Realignment Committee chair, University Assessment Committee (college rep.),University Planning Committee, Division of Communication chair, Division Chair’s Association, University Planning Committees on Mission and Strategic Planning (Internationalizing the Curriculum Subcommittee), numerous search, ad hoc, and sub committees of Faculty Senate, Liberal Studies Committee and Communications VP of Center for Technology and Information, member of Steering Committee for HECA Grant for Summer Institute at U of I on Learning about Technology for Instruction, NCA (No. Central Accreditation) Subcommittee for Support Units;.
Division Chair, and Academic Coordinator for Communications Program.
Editorial Board, International Journal of Listening
Editorial Board, Integralis Journal, online and print
Editorial Board: Hampton Series on Communication,Comparative Cultures and Civilizations
Editorial Board, Qualitative Research Reports (academic journal)
No. American organizer, Center for Global Studies, Universidad Rafael Landivar (Guatemala) and other consortium universities—now on hold.
In Progress:
Books in progress:A Critical/Cultural Study of Listening in Western Civilization, and Communication Dialogue(in progress with British journal of dialogue studies).
Working with a communications project on Autoethnography: see individual studies (submitted for publication).
Working on a phenomenology of olfactory (smell) communication for future presentations and publication (a draft of the first two sections is published on gebserdicuss.com blog).
Two articles on Autoethnography of listening (Listening Is…), and a dialogue on Listening in the Intercultural workplace, coming out in the International Journal of Listening, 2015.
Listening Courage: A review of Courageous Conversations by Peter deLisser, Listening Post (2013, April) and Academia.edu.
Listening Shadows: Limits of skill in executing a will. Published on Academia.edu (2013).
Freud and Jung Listening: presence with the field. Listening Post(2012) and Academia.edu.
Grounding Listening: The limitations of theory (with Response by Dr. Graham Bodie), to be published in The International Journal of Listening, 2011.
Listening and Qualitative Research, in Listening and Human Communication in the 21st Century, (Ed. Andrew Wolvin). Published by Blackwell Press, , 2010.
Listening:The “Lost” Communication Skill, a communication text chapter co–authored with Dr. Trudy Mercadal, and published as first free internet textbook (September 08) on Public Communication, at textcommons.org. The text was reviewed by both an professional editorial board and a peer review board (American Comm. Assoc. The text will be updated and augmented continually as part of an ongoing project.
Listening and the Non–Technologized Self.Presented at 7th annual Globalization and Philosophy Conference: Technology and Globalization, Landivar U., Guatemala City, and published in Cultura Guatemala, by Landivar U., Guatemala City in late 2007.
Transparency and communication: Dialogue in financial reporting and media communication. Communication, Comparative Cultures and Civilizations.Cresskill, NJ:Hampton Press, as part of the philosophy and civilizations series, (2008).
Michael Purdy, “Integrating the Magical and Using the Shamanic in Global Education” in Roy Elveton, ed., Educating for Participatory Democracy: Paradoxes in Globalizing Logic (Hampton Press: CresskillN.J., 2006), pp. 191-208. (also in Spanish, 2005, published by Landivar U., Guatemala City)
Shamanic Processing: Magical consciousness as worldly expression of the integral, published in Integrative Explorations Journal, vol. 7&8, no. 1, March 2003.
Service Listening: Listening to the Body, Listening to the Person, published in Communication Post, the official publication of the International Association for Health–Communication Sciences, no. 1, Spring 2002, Sapporo, Japan.
Listening Democracy, a paper presented at the 30th International Gebser society for the study of culture and consciousness, in Santa Fe, NM, October 2002. And submitted for publication in a volume of papers on Democracy and Consciousness––this will come to fruition in late 2008 or early 2009.
Cultural communication and global mediation. A paper presented at The Third Annual Conference of Philosophy Global Political Institutions, Universidad Rafael Landivar, Guatemala City. August 14–17, 2002 (and included in a book coming out in 2003).
Listening as connecting: Listening as serving. Presented by Alan Knowles at the International Association of Health Communication Sciences Conference, Sapporo, Japan, September 21, 2002. To be published in Fall 2002 in The IAHCS Journal.
Service listening: Listening to the body, listening to the person. IAHCS Newsletter (International Association of Health Communication Sciences, Tokyo, Japan) Spring, 2002. (co–published in the Listening Post, publication of the International Listening Association, Summer 2002).
Integrating the Magical and Using the Shamanic in Global Education. A paper presented at The Second Annual Conference on Globalization and Education, Universidad Rafael Landivar, Guatemala City. August 7–12, 2001 (and included in published proceedings, coming out in 2004)
Move Up, Listen Up: The Listener Wins, article published online at Monster.com. http://content.monster.com/listen/overview/, April 2002.
Listening, Culture and Structures of Consciousness: Ways of Experiencing and Studying Listening. International Journal of Listening, 14, 47-68, 2000.
Consciousness Structures and Modern Communication: Oral, Literate, or What? Integrative Explorations: Journal of Culture and Consciousness, 6:1, August 2000
The End of Death? Conscious Life in Global Cyberspace, article published online in Integralis Journalhttp://www.ctl.unca.edu/combs/IntegralAge/Cyberspace.htm/, (later to be published in the print version of the journal), March 2000.
Listening in the Everyday Life: A Personal and Professional Approach, with Dr. Borisoff of NYU. University Press of America, second edition, 1997 (1991). Working on 3rd edition.
Ethics: Communication Consulting and Training. In Bridging Both Worlds: Communication Consulting. University Press of America, 1993.
“Consciousness Structures and the New Communication,” paper presented at the New York Speech Communication Association, Ellenville, NY, October 1990, and published in the juried New Dimensions in Communication: Proceedings of the 48th NY State Speech Communication Assoc., 1991).
“Listening and Community: The Role of Listening in Community Formation.” In Journal of the International Listening Association, 5, 1991. 51-67.
“Listening as Formative of Community,” paper presented at the New York State Speech Communication Association, Poughkeepsie, New York, October 1989, published in the juried proceedings of the NYSSCA.
“Issues in Qualitative Research,” paper presented at ILA pre-conference on Research, Atlanta, February 28, 1989, (published in Perspectives on Listening Research: Planning for the Next Generation, International Listening Association, 1991).
“Listeners and Audiences: Reception Theory and Listening Theory,” paper presented at New York State Speech Communication Association, Ellenville, NY, October 1988, published in the juried NY State Speech Communication Assoc. Conference Proceedings.
“Contributions of philosophical hermeneutics to listening research.” Presented as a paper at the International Listening Association, San Diego, CA, 1986, and published in ERIC 1986.
Styles of listening and structures of consciousness. Journal of Communication Therapy. 1. 1, 47-58. (1982).
Papers Presented (Selected papers):
In Gold We Trust: Not what we trust but how we trust: From monetary bodies to integrality A paper presented at the Jean Gebser Conference for the study of culture and consciousness, October 2013, Los Angeles, CA.
Archaic Pre-time and Time-free Integral Awareness: Jean Gebser’s Modes of Civilizational Time Consciousness. A paper presented at the Jean Gebser Conference for the study of culture and consciousness, October 2012, Monterey, CA.
Listening Democracy: Political commons working for the listener. Paper presented to the International Listening Assoc. Seattle, OR, March 2012.
Integral Projection? Field Affects: technological projection and integral retraction and the reintegration. A paper presented to The International Jean Gebser Society October 2011, Rice University, Houston, TX
[More than] Sustainable Listening: Ecology, Economics and Community, conference theme panel and paper/presentation, International Listening Association Conference, Johnson City, TN March 31-April 2, 2011.
Theory and its limitations. Paper/presentation in response to articles on Listening Theory to be published in International Journal of Listening by Purdy and Bodie, International Listening Association Conference, Johnson City, TN March 31-April 2, 2011.
Technology and the Art of Photography. Paper (and PowerPoint of my photography) presented at the 33rdConference of the International Jean Gebser Society for the study of culture and consciousness, October 7–10, 2010; University of Utah, Provo. Theme: Technology..
Presencing: The (Ever–) Present in Contemporary (Integral) Awareness.Paper presented at the XXXVII International Jean Gebser Conference, October 18–20, 2009; Theme: Identity. Long Island, NY.
Including The Body: Reflecting Self Portraits. Paper presented at Paper presented at the VII Annual Conference on Globalization: Embodiment, Rafael Landivar University, Guatemala, August 9th to 11th, 2009. To be published in Cultura Guatemala journal.
Listening and Qualitative Research. Presented a paper, on Autoethnography and listening modes. International Listening Association, Milwaukee, WI, March 2009
Anzaldúa’s Borderland Theory: Intercultural Communication Theory and Limitations, presented with Power Point slides, at II Congreso de lasAméricas,Oct. 10, 2008, Ciudad de México
Listening and Research. Presented a paper, Approaches to studying listening: Qualitative strategies, and participated on three research panels as part of a multi–year campaign to extend the research on listening. International Listening Association, Portland, ME, March 2008.
Qualitative Research and Dialogue, paper presented on the panel Dimensions of Listening at the National Communication Association, Chicago,November 17, 2008.
From Duality to dialogue Part II: Rich, Fleshy, Living Present. Paper presented at the XXXVI International Jean Gebser Conference, October 18–20, 2007; Theme: Community, U. of WI, EauClaire, Wisconsin.
Listening in Alliance: The attitude of Dialogue. Paper presented at the International Listening Assoc. Conference, Frankfurt, Germany. July 18–21, 2007.
From Duality to dialogue Part I: Integrative polycentric communication.Paper presented at the XXXV International Jean Gebser Conference, October 26–28, 2006; Theme: Exploring Transitions of Knowledge, Sacramento State University,Sacramento, CA.
The Quality of Qualitative Research,A paper presented at the International Listening Assoc., Salem, Or, April 20-23, 2006
Perspectives on Listening and Gender, A paper presented at the International Listening Assoc., Salem, Or, April 20-23, 2006
Intercultural Communication: Some approaches and their limitations. Paper presented at the XXXIV International Jean Gebser Conference, October 13–15, 2005; theme: Chaos and Order, Rice University, Houston, TX.
The Responsibility to Dialogue. Paper presented at the VI Annual Conference on Globalization: Global Responsibility, Rafael Landivar University, Guatemala, August 9th to 11th, 2005. To be published in collected papers volume.
Integrative (Field) Listening: Rethinking/experiencing listening. A paper presented at the International Listening Association, April 2005, Minneapolis.
Integral Listening. (Keynote). Paper presented at the XXXIII Annual Gebser Conference for the study of culture and consciousness. October 2004, Norman, OK.This paper developed the philosophical underpinnings of an integral listening.
Media, Communication, and Ethos: Deficiency of Media and the Need for Listening. Paper presented at the V International Conference: Ethos and Globalization, Rafael Landivar University, Guatemala, August 9th to 12th, 2004. To be published in collected papers volume.
Global Dialogue and Internet Education: Right to Listen/Freedom to Listen. Presented (via internet link, live) to the “Symposium and Workshop on Global Education via the Virtual Classroom over the Internet” for the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics conference in Baden–Baden, Germany, August 3, 2004.
A Silver Anniversary Perspective: “Listening 25 years Later,” Qualitative research Critical for understanding listening, A paper presented at the International Listening Association, April, 2004. Ft. Meyers, FL. To be published in anniversary volume of ILA and now being considered as part of a volume on Listening published by Hampton Press.)
Listening & Democracy: Hearing the people. A paper presented at the International Listening Association, April 2004. Ft. Meyers, FL
Qualitative research a paper to be read by Dr. Wolvin at the session, “Listening: OmniPresent,but overlooked” at the National Communication Association, conference in Miami, FL, November 22, 2003. The paper will be submitted for publication next year.
Attended the Fourth International Philosophy Conference on Globalization and Communication, August 11–14, 2003, at Rafael Landivar University in Guatemala City and presented the paper: “Listening and Western Communication.” He also spoke August 14th at the Guatemala UNICEF meeting on Journalism on the topic: “Communication/listening for journalists creating an informed society.”
Dr. Michael Purdy attended the Third Conference of the International Association of Health Communication Sciences on Health Communication Sciences and Human Life, September 13–14, 2003, in Tokyo, Japan, and presented the paper: “Communication and Human Life: A Communication Model for Serving in Healthcare/Welfare.” The paper will be published in the Journal of International Association of Health Communication Sciences this fall. Dr. Purdy also participated on the panel “Problems in health and human life.”
Attended a joint conference of the International Listening Association (ILA) and the World Communication Association in Stockholm, Sweden, July 16th-20, 2003 and presented two papers: “Listening in Service,” and “Medical/Health Care Practices and Effective Human Communication.” He also presented on Qualitative Research on the panel Listening Research in Action, and moderated a connecting conversation: “Gender—How can communication help address 21st century issues? Toward a feminist theory of globalization.” Purdy is also 2nd VP of the ILA.
Listening and community. Presented paper on the panel Listening and the Public Good at the Eastern Communication Association (Theme: Communication and the Public Good) Washington, DC –– April 25, 2003
Magical Listening and Community, A paper presented to the International Listening Association, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2002.
Shamanic Processing: Magical consciousness as worldly expression of the integral. Paper presented at the XXIX Annual Gebser Conference: Worldly Expressions of the Integral Consciousness, October 19, 2001, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
Framing & Listening: Important Tools for Leaders. Paper presented to the International Listening Association, Chicago, IL, March 2001.
Exploring Your Personal Listening Behavior. Mike Purdy and Dick Halley, with Klara Pihlajamaki. Paper presented to the International Listening Association, Chicago, IL, March 2001.
Respondent for Research panel on Reader/Reception Theory, and contributor to Listening Exercises that Work at the International Listening Association, Chicago, IL, March 2001.
Speaker, Panel on Successful Publication and Research, at the International Listening Association, Chicago, IL, March 2001.
Listening and Gender: Stereotypes and Explanations, Paper presented to the International Listening Association, Virginia Beach, VA, March 2000.
Table Talk: Issues in Listening. Organized, chaired and participated in a discussion of how listening fits into the study and discipline of communication. Virginia Beach, VA, March 2000.
The End of Death: Life in Cyberspace. A paper presented at the annual Gebser conference: Global Cybertech and Integral Consciousness, at Governors State U, Oct. 21–23, 1999
Listening and Gender: characteristics of Good and Poor Listeners, Paper presented to the International Listening Association, Albuquerque, NM, March 1999. Submitted for Publication in the International Journal of Listening, July 2002.
A Listening Webcourse: Implications and Possibilities, Presentation at the International Listening Association, Albuquerque, NM, March 1999.
“Listening and Consciousness: Historical Roots,” Paper presented at the International Listening Association, Kansas City, March 1998
“The Work of Jean Gebser” on the panel Civilizational Semiotics” Paper presented at the National Communication Association, Chicago, November 1997
A Responsibility to Listen, National Communication Association on the panel Quality Listening and Values (also organized by M. Purdy). Paper presented at the National Communication Association, Chicago, November 1997
Many articles to Listening Post, Newsletter of the International Listening Association, including “Who Is Thinking About Listening,” issue. 62, Autumn 1997.
The Impact of Communication Technology on Interpersonal Communication, Keynote Speech at the Midwest International Listening Association Conference, Milwaukee, October 26, 1996.
Mythic Shadows of Technology. Paper presented at the International Jean Gebser Conference, Nov. 6–9, 1996, University of Pennsylvania, California, PA.
“Foundations under attack: Challenges to a rational ground for communication and the need for listening.” Paper presented at the International Listening Association, Sacramento, CA, March 1996.
“The Limits to Human Contact: How Communication Technology Mediates Relationships.” Paper presented at the International Listening Association, Sacramento, CA, March 1996.
“Modern & postmodern: Outa sight, outa mind.” A paper presented to the international Jean Gebser Society, Governors State University, University Park, IL, November 2–4, 1995.
“Ethics in Listening: What’s to say?” Paper presented at the Speech communication Association, San Antonio, TX, November 1995.
“Listening Ethics: Little Things Mean A Lot.” Paper presented at International Listening Association, Little Rock, AK, March 1995.
“Listening and Consciousness: The Contributions of Jean Gebser.” Presentation at International Listening Association, Little Rock, AK, March 1995.
“Using the Internet for Academics.” Presentation with hands–on demonstration, at International Listening Association, Little Rock, AK, March 1995.
From Classroom to Community: Experiential Education in Classroom and Community Environments: Nontraditional Graduate Education: Meeting the Needs of Working Adults, Using Workshops To Ground and Augment an MA Program in Communication Studies. Paper presented at Speech Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, November 1994.
“Computer–Aided Imaging: Integrative Consciousness.” Presentation and demonstration of finished photographic multi–image montage works and work in progress, at International Jean Gebser Conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, November 1994.
“Listening and Cultural Studies: Communication in the Modern and Postmodern World,” paper presented at the International Listening Association, Boston, MA, March 1994.
“Teen-Parent Communication: A Survey, Results, and Recommendations,” paper presented at International Listening Association, Boston, MA, March 1994.
“Communication and Western Consciousness.” Paper presented at the Speech Communication Association, Miami, November 1993.
“Jean Gebser’s Project: What Must We Do Now? Describing Cultural Experience.” Presentation at the Jean Gebser Society, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, November 1993; published in Integrative Explorations Journal, Spring 1994.
“Gifts: Great Ideas for Teaching Speech,” presentation at Illinois Speech and Theater Assoc., Decatur, October 1992.
“Qualitative Research Methods: How to Begin,” paper and workshop presented at the International Listening Association, Seattle, March 1992.
“Listener Understanding of Messages: A Qualitative Study,” paper presented at the International Listening Association, Seattle, March 1992.
“Twins and the Possibility of Communicating (Cross culturally),” paper presented to the New York State Speech Communication Association, Albany, October 1991 (published in the juried Proceedings of the 49th Annual NY State Speech Communication Association Conference, 1993).
“Gender and Listener Characteristics,” paper, with Dr. Borisoff (NYU), presented at the International Listening Association, Jacksonville, FL, March 1991.
“Qualitative Research and Listening,” paper presented at the International Listening Association, Scottsdale, AZ, March 1988
“Qualitative Research Methodology,” paper presented at the International Listening Association, San Diego, CA, March 1986
“Impact of Computers on Schooling,” paper presented at the Illinois Social Studies Council’s state conference, Chicago, IL, October 1983
“The Power of Media in a Changing Social Reality,” paper presented at the 8th Third World Conference, Chicago, March 1982
Married to Deborah Purdy (Art Therapist) with two children: Nathanael, Jessica.
Health: Excellent.
International Travel:
India, three trips, two were personal and professional conducting intercultural research, the last trip was professional to serve as group facilitator for a global interfaith conference on Prayer/Meditation and Nonviolence and to attend the World Fellowship of Religions Conference (Feb.–Mar. 1995).
Amori and Tokyo, Japan (2000, 2002), to attend joint conferences of International Listening Association, World Communication Association, Japanese Communication Association and International Health Communication Association.
Guatemala City, Guatemala (2000–2011), to attend Conferences on Globalization and philosophy, and visit and learn about Mayan Culture.Over the last 7 years I have visited all major and secondary Mayan sites in Guatemala.
National Communication Association
International Listening Association
Jean Gebser Society for the study of culture and consciousness