Global Listening Board (GLB) is the main functionary body of the Global Listening Centre. Comprised of highly talented professionals and experts from many different fields contributing their knowledge and experience, the GLB provides advanced listening technology and solutions for individuals and organizations around the world. The GLB experts use a powerful combination of research, proven strategy and training applied to issues of local and international concerns such as education, health, human development. The GLB also works to collaborate with public and private partners around the globe to meet its objective of excellence in supporting the mission of the Centre. The Global Listening Board has an executive body, which has a significant role to play within GLB and is headed by the Honorable Chairperson Carin-Isabel Knoop, Executive Chair Dr. David T. McMahan, Vice Chair Dr. Jo Ann Rolle. The Global Listening Board also has specialized Sub-Boards & Divisions in areas such as education (elementary through post-graduate); healthcare and various technical fields, relationship and social; performance and music; business and organizational listening; etc. Each division has its appropriate management structure & Chair. The GLB directors are globally renowned leaders in their own right and the Board is structurally designed for effective future growth.